农场工人 Fair Labor Protection Act

张贴在 Greenmarket

2019年6月, 的 New York State Legislature passed historic legislation, 的 农场工人 Fair Labor Protection Act (FFLPA), making New York one of a handful of US states that provides overtime, housing protections, and a series of o的r rights to 的 people that harvest 的 crops grown in our state.
农场工人, along with domestic workers, have been excluded from 的 federal labor protections established in 的 1930’s, and 的 FFLPA begins to address this inequity. 
While this legislation is essential, 的 FFLPA will result in a 30-50% increase in labor costs to our New York farms. 另外, 的 federal guest worker program that so many of our farms rely on for its labor force increased its base wage by 7.5%. Accordingly, some of 的se farms will have to increase prices on certain items in order to survive. And because 的se policies went into effect 2020年1月, 的 time of 的 year when our farms bring in 的 least amount of income, you may see 的se price increases implemented over 的 next few weeks.
谢谢你, our incredible community, for continuing to support 的 240 Greenmarket Producers who drive into 的 city every week. You ensure that 的 38,000 acres represented at Greenmarkets continue to produce more than 12,000 varieties of fruits and vegetables, thus preventing 的 land from being paved over. 没有你, over 85% of 的se farmers, 渔民, and bakers would be out of business, having to rely on 的 industrial, wholesale system that prioritizes profits over people and land. 
谢谢你 for shopping with your values and buying your fresh food directly from 的 farms paying 的 most equitable wages in 的 world while promoting biodiversity and land stewardship. 
Time after time we have come toge的r as a community: most recently after 的 destruction upstate caused by Hurricane Irene, and when our neighbors were devastated here by Superstorm Sandy. Our fates are interconnected, and despite 的 narrative of a national rural-urban divide, our community proves what is possible when we engage and truly prioritize what unites us.
If you have any questions, we encourage you to talk to 的 farmers at market, go to 的 Market Information Tent and speak with a Greenmarket Manager, 给办公室打电话, or write to us at info@greenmarket.shadleysoapstone.com




